N. Barocas Z"L
- 1978
was a constant advocate of preserving Sephardic ethnicity and
identity, recognizing the urgent desire of a generation of Sephardim
to remain together..."
N. Barocas was born in Rodosto (Tekirdag), a small town on the northern
shore of the Marmora Sea in Turkey. Shortly before 1908, the family
moved to Constantinople, where Barocas attended Hebrew school. As
his father's business prospered, the family moved to neighboring Galata,
where Barocas attended the German-based school Hilfsverein der
Deutchen Juden. There, he studied German, Turkish and Hebrew.
before the outbreak of the Balkan War, in 1912, his father left for
America, and as the economic conditions worsened, Barocas was forced
to leave school. When his mother died a few years later, he returned
to Rodosto to live with his grandmother, attending informal lessons
at the small synagogue, where the former principal of the Alliance
school taught French history and grammar. By 1917 Barocas returned
again to Constantinople, officially attending the Alliance Israélite
Universelle, but left in 1920 for America, before he could receive
his diploma.
1928, Barocas' father died, and he took his father's place on the
Board of Directors at Congregation Berith Shalom of the Spanish
and Portuguese Synagogue at Congregation Shearith Israel. Since
that time, as Barocas would later write, he became "very close
to the community of Sephardim of New York." He remained with
Congregation Berith Shalom through its various incarnations, later
becoming President when it became the Centro Judio-Sefardi - The
Sephardic Jewish Center of the East Side.
was a constant advocate of preserving Sephardic ethnicity and identity,
recognizing the urgent desire of a generation of Sephardim to remain
together through organizations and social clubs. His thoughts and
ideals were instrumental in the formation of the Broome and Allen
Boys Association, later assisting for a time as Editor of The
BABA, their monthly publication. Barocas somehow found time to
be president of the Sephardic Jewish Brotherhood of America,
master of the Masonic Abravanel Lodge 116, and one of the founding
members of the Abravanel Square Club, while still continuing
to write and lecture regularly. After the tragic and untimely death
of his only son, followed shortly afterwards by the death of his wife,
Beatrice, in 1951, Barocas redoubled his efforts, writing and researching,
and trying to raise funds for Sephardic cultural endeavors. There
were few major Sephardic organizations in New York City which did
not benefit from his leadership and actions. His activities as a communal
leader, orator and self-made scholar were acknowledged by those within
the Sephardic community, and a 1958 testimonial dinner in his honor,
tendered by the Abravanel Square Club, was further evidence
of such appreciation.
heart, David Barocas was a perfectionist, and throughout his life
he often felt that Sephardic culture could be discussed accurately
only by individuals who fully understood and experienced it. He was
disturbed and outraged by self-proclaimed spokesmen of Sephardic Jewry
who had little direct knowledge of authentic Sephardic life. Time
and again he wrote of the sad state of apathy by the 'Sephardim of
today.' As a representative of 'the authentic Sephardic experience'
he identified Sephardic mannerisms and customs. He provided insight,
details and observations which only an insider could offer.
Barocas was continuously striving to learn and to share his knowledge
with others. In addition to his involvement with the Sephardic community,
he carried on a vast correspondence with newspapers and magazines,
with learned individuals and scholars, and with organizations. He
did not allow the widespread apathy and lack of financial support
to silence his voice.
his remaining years, as Secretary for the Foundation for the Advancement
of Sephardic Studies and Culture, Barocas tried valiantly to eliminate
the deep-rooted cultural neglect and apathy of the Sephardim, hoping
to reawaken within them a sense of cultural and social responsibility.
To that end, he had written and edited a number of tracts, all of which
were published by the Foundation.
1978, in the last few months before his death, Barocas was still at
work translating into English, nearly all of the Pirke Avoth
portion of the Me'am Lo'ez. Right up until the end, Barocas worked
diligently to pave the way for a new era of Sephardic enlightenment.
His influence, and his work, will continue to be remembered for generations,
especially by those who recognize in his writings his sincerity, devotion
and true love for his Sephardic heritage.
