Sephardic Studies

Written and Produced by Robert Bedford

Design Linda Pierro

Robert Bedford

Coproducers Joe Halio

Stuart Fishelson

Sponsors Martin Elias

Larry Russo

Travelling Exhibition made possible by
The Mitrani Foundation, NY

The Foundation wishes to thank the following: Jack Amar, Pauline Bedford, Nichole Saltiel Birnbaum, Matilde Broder, Bella Capon, Joe Cohen, Rachel Cohen, Marion Crespi, Martin Elias, Isaac and Bella Gershon, Jacque and Germain Halegoua, Sol Hasson, Israel ‘Haivanaki’ Hazan,Yvette Lennon, Leo Mallah, Marilyn Mayo, Dr. Albert Menashe, Elias Messinas, Stamo and Isaac Mevorah, Phyllis Modiano, Loretta Negrin, Gracia Pessah, Sam and Rosa Pinto, Dora Romano, Lena Russo, Stella Altchek Shapiro, Allegra Yamali, the Jewish Museum of Greece, and the Jewish Community of Salonica.


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