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Introduction to Judeo-Spanish
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Ladinokomunita / A Wealth of Ladino Reading and the World's only Ladino Discussion Group
Ladinokomunita / A Wealth of Ladino Reading and the World's only Ladino Discussion Group
Speak Ladino in the Ladino AUDIO Chat -'Salon de Mohabet'
Speak Ladino in the Ladino AUDIO Chat -'Salon de Mohabet'
Ladino Preservation Council
Ladino Preservation Council
Press Release: FASSAC Attends UNESCO Conference to Save Ladino in Paris
Press Release: FASSAC Attends UNESCO Conference to Save Ladino in Paris
Judeo-Spanish Memorial in Poland
Judeo-Spanish Memorial in Poland
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Exhibit - Portraits of our Past: The Sephardic Communities of Greece and the Holocaust
Exhibit - Portraits of our Past: The Sephardic Communities of Greece and the Holocaust
Our New Video: Ottoman Salonica 1430-1912
Our New Video: Ottoman Salonica 1430-1912
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Dr. Albert
Menasche in Memoriam
Dr. Menasche was a prominent
figure in the Sephardic Community of Salonica. Before the war, he served as
secretary of the Communal Council, and was the director of the Ben Ouzilizio
Maternity Hospital, the Azilo de Locos/Kasa de Salud, the Carlo Allatini Orphanage
for Boys, and the Mair Aboav Orphanage for Girls. He was also vice president
of the well-known Baron Hirsch Hospital. Dr. Menasche was deported to Birkenau
on June 8, 1943; he survived as a member of the Men's Orchestra.
His book, BIRKENAU
- HOW 72,000 GREEK JEWS PERISHED was one of the first accounts of a survivor
to be published. Upon returning to Salonica in 1945, he was elected president
of the community, and director of the Clinique Pinhas. After emigrating to
the U.S., he served as resident physician at the Sephardic Home for the Aged
in Brooklyn, NY.