Sephardic History & Geneaology
Sephardic History & Geneaology
Sephardic Professional and Academic Papers, Articles, Lectures & Personal Stories
Sephardic Professional and Academic Papers, Articles, Lectures & Personal Stories
FASSAC's Digital Archives of Sephardica
FASSAC's Digital Archives of Sephardica
Introduction to Judeo-Spanish
Introduction to Judeo-Spanish
Ladino Reveries
Ladino Reveries
Ladinokomunita / A Wealth of Ladino Reading and the World's only Ladino Discussion Group
Ladinokomunita / A Wealth of Ladino Reading and the World's only Ladino Discussion Group
Speak Ladino in the Ladino AUDIO Chat -'Salon de Mohabet'
Speak Ladino in the Ladino AUDIO Chat -'Salon de Mohabet'
Ladino Preservation Council
Ladino Preservation Council
Press Release: FASSAC Attends UNESCO Conference to Save Ladino in Paris
Press Release: FASSAC Attends UNESCO Conference to Save Ladino in Paris
Judeo-Spanish Memorial in Poland
Judeo-Spanish Memorial in Poland
New Publications
New Publications
Past Publications and Tracts
Past Publications and Tracts
Works Currently in Progress
Works Currently in Progress
Exhibit - Portraits of our Past: The Sephardic Communities of Greece and the Holocaust
Exhibit - Portraits of our Past: The Sephardic Communities of Greece and the Holocaust
Our New Video: Ottoman Salonica 1430-1912
Our New Video: Ottoman Salonica 1430-1912
Financial Support & Endowment Information
Financial Support & Endowment Information
A Memorial to our Founders, Leaders and Scholars
A Memorial to our Founders, Leaders and Scholars
Foundation Officers and Staff
Foundation Officers and Staff
Press Releases
Press Releases
Return to the Main Index
Return to the Main Index

Our Mission Statement
noble language
In which we lamented Zion,
And mourned the loss of Spain,
Land of our consolation.
--Miguel de Unamuno (1928)
nearly 40 years the Foundation has been dedicated to preserving and
promoting the complex and centuries-old culture of the Sephardic communities
of Turkey, Greece, the Balkans, Europe and the U.S. Emigration, and
the devastation of the Holocaust, have combined to weaken historic communities
which had resisted assimilation, where Ladino, the Sephardic language,
was used continuously and unique cultural traditions were practiced.
the new millennia opens, the Foundation seeks to vigorously renew and
preserve the heritage and culture of our ancestors.
support the Foundation as it enters this new era of Sephardic studies.
Your interest and contributions are critical and will enable the continued
growth of Sephardic scholarship and education, and will ensure the future
of an institution that has helped keep alive our vibrant Sephardic history.
