Notice for Netscape Users

Unfortunately, until international standards are set for the Internet, and companies producing Web Browsers comply with those standards, there will be compatibility problems from browser to browser in accessing Web Sites.

We make every attempt to write HTML code that is standardized and compatible with the various browsers on the market. But due to various inherent problems peculiar to one browser or another, we cannot guarantee total compatibility with all browsers.

There are known problems with Netscape Navigator such that when a page initially loads, there may be spots where the design appears "broken up." To solve this, resize your window and Netscape will redraw the page. Other known problems are, cell colors being transparent and making white text invisible in that cell. Stretching cells and text boxes on Forms Pages and the list goes on and on! We can try many ideas to attempt fix these problems, but it's up to Netscape to release a patch to make their browser work correctly.

Our pages are visually enhanced for users of Internet Explorer 5.0 and up, and Opera 4.0b and up. These are browsers that have workable support for the newest technologies "CSS," "PDF" and others. We therefore recommend (but do not mandate) that you view this site with one of those browsers.

This problem has been experienced by people, institutions and organizations worldwide such as Michigan Institute of Technology, University of Pennsylvania, & Virginia University


The easiest fix is to download and use the free Internet Explorer from Microsoft.

We suggest version 5.0 or 6.0

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